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2024 Housebuilder Customer Satisfaction Awards

In-house Research

In-house Research Ltd, a leading provider of customer experience research for housebuilders throughout the UK, is proud to recognise winners of the “2024 Gold Award" and the "2024 Outstanding Achievement Award" for Customer Satisfaction. These awards recognise housebuilders who have achieved an exceptional level of customer satisfaction, as determined by feedback from new homeowners.

In-house Research Ltd spoke to new homeowners of over 90 UK housebuilding brands and collected over 15,000 responses to uncover which developers are excelling in customer service.


 With an average response rate of 65%, with some reaching over 90%, the results constitute a significant representation of new homeowners across the country providing valuable insights into their experiences with the home buying process.


The "2024 Gold Award for Customer Satisfaction" is bestowed upon those housebuilders whose customers have overwhelmingly recommended them to their friends and family. To qualify for this prestigious accolade, housebuilders must have received recommendations from 90% or more of their surveyed customers.

The "2024 Outstanding Achievement Award" is accredited to housebuilders that achieve an industry leading Net Promoter® Score (NPS) of 70.0 or above, a difficult feat to achieve.


Commenting on the significance of this award, Tom Weston, CEO of In-house Research Ltd stated, "We are delighted to recognise and celebrate the exemplary performance of winning housebuilders in delivering exceptional customer experiences. This award underscores their commitment to providing unparalleled service and quality homes, making a positive impact on the lives of new homeowners."


Weston continues, “Buying a new home is a significant milestone in our lives, and with that comes excitement, fear, joy, and anxiety. These emotions can make the process particularly difficult and frustrating, so the onus lies with housebuilders to make the process smooth, enjoyable and as stress free as possible. Buying a new home should be an exciting and enjoyable experience, influenced by the fact that it’s the biggest investment we make in our lives. This Award recognises the lengths that housebuilders go to, to support their customers and ensure their absolute satisfaction with their new home.”


Winning the "2024 Gold Award" or "Outstanding Achievement Award" is a testament to their dedication and excellence in the field.



In-house Research Ltd have been measuring customer satisfaction since 1998.  Surveys are conducted over the telephone, ensuring all customers are given a fair and equal opportunity to provide feedback on their experience.  They specialise in capturing high response rates and the voice of the customer, enabling businesses to learn not just ‘what’ needs improving, but ‘how’ it can be improved using the customers own words.


The Gold Award is accredited to any client that achieves a customer recommendation percentage of 90% or above from customers who purchased in 2023 on the independent In-house Research customer satisfaction survey.

The Outstanding Achievement Award is accredited to any client that achieves a Net Promoter Score of 70.0 or above from customers who purchased in 2023 on the independent In-house Research customer satisfaction survey.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.


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